Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Evaluation of Beach Beast (TBF)

I had originally planned to create a moving kinetic sculpture for this artist study, I created a maquette which explore how the leg motion of one of theo jansen designs works to see how a working model could be created. I decided to curb my ambition and instead make a work which explore the aesthetic side of Jensen's work. I create a model out of lolly sticks and foam board which was based on the structure of a crab or other aquatic crustacean. I used lollysticks as my primary medium for two reasons, firstly they are a cheap and easy to construct with just like the materials Jansen uses, secondly they are an object found regularly at beaches which links to the idea of the work being a beach creature. The Beach Beast has six legs each of which are a slightly different design, I wanted to explore a variety of different leg shapes, Jansen's creature are very symmetrical and all share a similar leg design. I created this work to explore Jansens work and to look and both construction and kinetic art techniques, I also wanted to develop the idea of using junk and scrap materials to create art. The maquette is successful and aesthetically pleasing it is however not kinetic or my finest work of art. I want to learn more form Theo Jansen's ethos than his actual work, the idea of art that lives, moves and seems to have sentience is something I wish to explore in my future work. The work turned out to be aesthetically interesting and it was amusing to create, while making it I practised some creation techniques I will use at a later stage in my project. My next step will be more artist studies and evaluation followed by design ideas.

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